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The pure splendour of Beatrice


The pure splendour of Beatrice

Isabella York

If I could choose just one product to use on my face, without a doubt, it would be witch hazel – its truly magical. I’ve been using Beatrice Toner for years - a carefully crafted combination of witch hazel and rose water. I love the whole experience; the freshness, the aroma, even the noise as you spray it, and of course, the effect it has on my skin! It makes me feel crisp and clean, alive, both tightening and moisturizing. So how does it do it?

Witch hazel is a plant that is native in North America and parts of Asia, which has naturally strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. This means it has the ability to kill bacteria that lives within the skin’s pores, reduce cellular damage, speed up healing, and prevent signs of ageing. It removes excess oil and toxins from the skin, and closes pores.  Its great for people that suffer from acne.

Rose water, like witch hazel, is suited to all skin types; oily, dry, or a combination. Apart from adding a soft, calming fragrance to the toner (the aroma itself is said to reduce stress and anxiety), rose water has a few healing qualities of its own. It helps maintain the skins ph balance, has anti-inflammatory qualities, removes excess oil and dirt in clogged pores, hydrates and revitalizes, is anti-bacterial (helps heal wounds) and is said to keep wrinkles at bay.

Combining these two magical ingredients, Beatrice toner will leave you with radiant and glowing skin. 

Secretly, I love a spritz of toner on my face during the warm months purely to cool me down. I spent a little time working in the shearing sheds, quite literally ‘out the back o’ Bourke’, and would spray on Beatrice toner religiously throughout the night to keep me cool & refreshed in the 45 degree temperatures – with no air conditioner! You’d hear my little spray bottle going all night. My skin felt great - I even had a few shearers using it; the toner would get handed around after a hard day’s work. We all had glowing skin!